A Pen Pal for every Prisoner
Sending Hope and Encouragement one letter at a time
You Can Make A Difference
Sending Hope and Encouragement one letter at a time
You Can Make A Difference
The purpose of this site is to bring Hope and Encouragement into the lives of all our inmate members through pen pal letters. We want to help build connection and redefine what community really means for them. By treating these prisoners (and their families) with dignity, one letter at a time, you can help make a difference.
Our Vision: A Pen Pal for every Prisoner
"I recently have begun a relationship...without hesitation I would recommend your site to people in here." Z.W.
"Hi my name is Ty Juane Pridgen, I am an incarcerated man from Virginia. I was 18 years old in 1995 when I first got incarcerated over twenty years ago. I would like to Thank Inmate Ink for allowing me to share their platform so the world could know that I do exist. Thanks Inmate Ink."
"I'm glad this site is working well and you have free world people to write to those on your site. I hope I'll get lucky and find at least one real, loyal, true friend. That's my hope."
"U have a good heart and have compassion towards those locked away...Best Wishes."
"...Nothing beats the feeling when I get a hand written letter with my name on it, nothing."
"Through you I was able to correspond with a few pen-pals. You are relentless in your quest to eradicate loneliness in a prisoner's life..." J.T.
"Your newsletter was hugely informative...you're an incredibly awesome lady."
"I'm really excited to become a member, and I especially want to thank you for accepting me as I am..."
By using this service you agree that you are at least 18 years old. You also agree not to hold Inmate Ink owner, employees or volunteers responsible for any costs, liabilities, damages you incur or attorneys fees as a result of using our service.
The information provided has been done so voluntarily by the members and has not been verified by Inmate Ink. Inmate Ink has no responsibility for authenticity or accuracy of materials provided by members on this site.
Inmate Ink does not condone in any way the crimes committed by our members. We endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. All pictures and information on this site are copyright and nobody including members of the Media may use in part or in whole anything without written permission from the Inmate Ink Owner.
Although Inmate Ink is an online service, all correspondence will be via Canada Post. These inmates are convicted felons and you should always use caution and common sense when communicating with them (including doing a "Google Search"), please read our FAQ's to find out more.
That being said we want you to have fun and enjoy writing to your pen pal. If you have any questions on how to get started or any concerns please don't hesitate to contact us. By using this website you have agreed to these terms.
** Don't become a victim! Do your own research into why these prisoners are in jail. Do not send money or go into this thinking you can change someone. You can't change anyone, they need to make the choice and change for themselves, and it is possible. If you feel you are being taken advantage of please let us know and we might choose to terminate membership. **
Do you have questions about how to get involved? Are you interested in sponsoring a prisoner or writing to someone and don't know who to pick?
Would you like to do a media piece on Inmate Ink? Send me a message, and I will get back to you soon.
PO Box 53222Calgary, AB T2A 7L9ca
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